MIAAP Spring Virtual Conference
March 7, 2o25 | 8:00a-4:00p | LIVE ONLY
Our goal is to provide an additional opportunity to receive vital training and earn CME's.
This special virtual event will cover 8 hours of CME and cover all of the LARA required topics in Michigan.
8.0 AOA Category 1-A credits and | 8.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
Elena Perea, MD - Capacity, Competency and Guardianship (Ethics)
Reddog Sina, DO - Implicit Bias (2 hours)
Lynn Smitherman, MD (1 hours)
Katherine Scott, MD - Pediatric Oncology Pain Management
Amber Phillips, MD - Interventional Pain Modalities in Children
Jason Kirby, DO - Opioids
Nikolai Butki, DO - Human Trafficking
This conference is for all medical professionals but will focus on pediatrics.
Questions? Contact Emily Rambo at emily.rambo@miaap.org