Advocacy Statements
Senate Bills 657-654
A Note From MIAAP E-Cigarette Champion Dr. Brittany Tayler
Tell Lawmakers to Take Action on Tobacco Now!
The Michigan Senate has an opportunity to take meaningful action to protect children and adolescents from the harmful effects of tobacco and vaping. However, there are a limited number of days for the legislature to take action on this package of bills before the legislative session ends for the year.
As a pediatrician, I have seen firsthand the devastating effects that tobacco use and vaping can have on children and adolescents. Prevention remains the most powerful tool we have to mitigate the long-term health consequences of these harmful habits. I also know that targeted public health interventions, such as comprehensive state regulations, can significantly reduce tobacco and vaping use among our youth.
Michigan has a proud history of enacting legislation designed to protect children from the dangers of smoking and vaping. However, tobacco companies continue to relentlessly adapt, finding new ways to target young people. To safeguard the health of our kids, Michigan must update its laws to address these evolving threats.
Senate Bills 647-654 represent a critical step toward strengthening Michigan’s ability to protect its children and communities from an industry that spends over $300 million annually in the state to maintain their customer base and hook the next generation.
A summary of the legislative package is as follows:
Ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including flavored e-cigarettes and menthol-flavored cigarettes. (Senate Bills 649 and 650, Cherry)
Establishing statewide Tobacco Retail Licensing (TRL) to ensure tobacco sellers are held accountable for following laws, especially not selling tobacco to minors. (SBs 651 and 652, Singh)
Raising the price of all tobacco products, taxing e-cigarettes just like all other tobacco products and dedicating new funds to prevention and cessation services. (SB 648, Chang)
Restoring local control allowing municipalities to enact local policies on tobacco sales if they so choose. (SB 647, Shink)
Repealing ineffective penalties that punish kids for tobacco purchase, use, and possession. (SB 654, Wojno and SB 653, Cavanagh)
A detailed description of these bills can be found here
I urge you to support Michigan's children by backing Senate Bills 647-654. Let's ensure a healthier future for our kids.
MIAAP Letter to Rep. Kara Hope
Senate Bills 418- 437 and House Bills 4624-4642
This legislation is consistent with many of the recommendations of the AAP policy statement on juvenile justice reforms. The Committee recommended supporting this legislation and communicating that support to the legislature.
pa 21-22
On Thursday, March 28 Governor Whitmer signed Public Act…. This was the final step for House Bills 4511 and 4512 to become law in Michigan. Car seat safety has been a key legislative priority for MIAAP, and this law finally makes important statutory updates with respect to car seats and booster seats.
“This is a great step in helping to keep our kids safe on the roads,” said MIAAP Advocacy Committee Chair, Jonathan Gold, MD. He added, “Motor vehicle accidents are the second leading cause of death in the U.S. Updating our state law with respect to car seats has been a long-standing priority for MIAAP and it is exciting to see it come to fruition.”
MIAAP played a crucial role supporting this legislation from the outset, and offered expertise and grassroots support to help get the bill across the finish line. The bill signing is a culmination of a decade-long effort to update Michigan law. Doctor Gold further went on to say, “We are grateful for the support of Governor Whitmer signing these bills into law. We are also grateful for bill sponsors Representative Carrie Rheingans and Representative John Fitzgerald for their hard work in passing this important legislation."
The new law incorporates safety guidelines based on weight and age consistent with the most up to date research and evidence. Michigan law will no longer be out of step with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and guidelines from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and from car seat manufacturers.
“MIAAP is committed to improving the health of Michigan’s infants, children, and adolescents,” said MIAAP CEO Colin Ford, “and this legislation is consistent with that commitment. I’m thankful for the participation of our pediatricians at every level. Whether it was testifying during committee or contacting their State Representative or Senator to support the bills, this legislative victory was a culmination of all of those efforts.”