MIAAP Supports Efforts To Increase In-Person Learning For Michigan Students

Today, Governor Whitmer announced efforts to provide in-person learning options for students before March 1st. These efforts strongly align with the Michigan Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics’ (MIAAP) past guidance. The MIAAP and AAP strongly advocate that all policy considerations for school COVID-19 plans start with a goal of having students physically present in school.

Schools are fundamental to child and adolescent development and well-being for academic and non-academic reasons. Families rely on schools for a safe stimulating environment for the mental, physical, social, and nutritional needs of children.

We encourage schools to continue policies to limit the spread of COVID-19 including mask wearing and social distancing. It is important to note that the vast majority of children, even those with medical conditions, are able to safely and effectively wear face coverings with adequate practice and support as well as modeling from adults.

We thank the Governor and her administration for their efforts to minimize the impact of COVID-19 in Michigan, and we thank the staff and administrations of our schools for their creativity, flexibility, and enduring commitment to our children. From our pediatric perspective at the intersection of child health and development, we look to you to help prioritize in-person education for Michigan’s children.